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Water supply

The main plumbing work for the water supply of a building is the installation of a water supply system with either a collector for water distribution or a classical network. At the same time, further work includes those to be done for the bathroom and kitchen, the installation of sanitary fixtures and accessories (washbasin, basin, bathtub, shower, kettle fitted or not, kitchen and bath battery) and the bathroom boiler for hot water supply. Keep in mind that there are double or triple energy boilers that can be connected simultaneously to two sources of energy (ex. central heating with solar panels) in order to save money on energy or fuel consumption for the production of hot water.

All of the above services can also be done separately in case of any problems occurred with the plumbing operation of your home. Any new part needed can be connected to the existing network.

If you are constructing a new home or renovating or in the event of any damage that needs repair, feel free to contact us.

Υδραυλικές Εργασίες
Υδραυλικές Εργασίες
Υδραυλικές Εργασίες
Υδραυλικές Εργασίες

Sewer System

Every home requires the installation of a sewer system designed to collect and transport waste to a wastewater treatment plant. A ventilation pipe network is also installed to prevent odors in each hydraulic drainage system.

All of the above can be done separately in case of any problems occurred with the operation of your home’s sewer system and any new part can be connected to the main network.

If you are constructing a new home, renovating it or in the event of any damage that needs repair, feel free to contact us.

Υδραυλικές Εργασίες Αποχέτευση
Υδραυλικές Εργασίες Αποχέτευση
Υδραυλικές Εργασίες Αποχέτευση


Given that inappropriate or even incorrect routing of rainwater can cause serious damage to a home, we offer the installation of a piping network for proper routing of rainwater on the road when constructing a new building or if there is an error problem that causes stagnant water where it should not.

If you are constructing a new home, renovating one or in the event of any damage that needs repair, feel free to contact us.

Όμβρια Ύδατα
Όμβρια Ύδατα

Water filters

The need to provide clean and filtered water in every home brings us closer to installing a single water filter that is placed in the central water supply of the home, resulting in filtered clean water flowing through the entire home network rather than just a single tap.

If you would like a water filter installed in your home’s main water supply, feel free to contact us.

Φίλτρο Νερού
Φίλτρο Νερού
Φίλτρο Νερού

Purifiers, Desalinators, Water Softeners

Softeners reduce water hardness significantly and are ideal for high salt areas such as islands or seaside areas. They use a material called resin. The full name of the resin is “ion exchange resin”. The resin exchanges magnesium and calcium with sodium and potassium. But at some point this action is exhausted. That’s when a “rebirth” should occur. To regenerate it needs to be washed with sodium chloride, that is, salt. This “rebirth” can be programmed electronically. The softeners have an electronic head with which you can adjust the system to regenerate at a certain time (hence the time head) or when certain liters of water (hence the volumetric head) pass. Volumetric heads can be programmed in time but are more expensive. Volumetric softeners have a disadvantage though, and this is that they may need to be regenerated when we absolutely need water, for example when bathing at home or washing machines. While the timer can be programmed to regenerate while we are away from home.

If you would like a desalination plant in your home’s main supply, feel free to contact us.

Αφαλατωτής - αποσκληρυντής νερού
Αφαλατωτής - αποσκληρυντής νερού
Αφαλατωτής - αποσκληρυντής νερού

Pressure booster pumps

It is often necessary to install and use a pressure booster pump in a house as the water pressure offered by the water supply company network is not satisfactory, either because it is a sixth floor building or because the pressure network in the area where the building is located is limited. The use of the pressure booster pump results in an increase in the water pressure provided by all taps in the house.

If you would like a pressure booster pump installed in your home’s main supply, feel free to contact us.


Solar Water Heaters

Placing the solar water heater in a sunny area (ex. on the roof or roof of our home) in order to provide hot water to the home by utilizing solar energy is certainly not an innovative idea. However, this is a very economical and at the same time highly effective solution for hot water supply (in sunny days) since the installation costs are low and there are no maintenance costs.

If you would like to have a solar water heater installed in your area in order to use the solar energy, feel free to contact us.

Ηλιακός Θερμοσίφωνας
Ηλιακός Θερμοσίφωνας
Ηλιακός Θερμοσίφωνας
Ηλιακός Θερμοσίφωνας
Ηλιακός Θερμοσίφωνας
Ηλιακός Θερμοσίφωνας
Ηλιακός Θερμοσίφωνας

Solar Panels

Solar panels are placed in an area where there is constant sunshine in order to pre-heat the water circulating in our radiators and thereby address the problem of warming our space. In this case the supply of hot water to the house is also considered.

If you would like to have solar panels installed in your area in order to use the solar energy, feel free to contact us.

Ηλιακοί Συλλέκτες
Ηλιακοί Συλλέκτες
Ηλιακοί Συλλέκτες
Ηλιακοί Συλλέκτες
Ηλιακοί Συλλέκτες

Undisturbed concrete cutting

Undisturbed cutting is the most immediate and effective solution to perform holes in buildings. Using state-of-the-art machinery and having experienced and trained personnel, we are also active in the field of cutting cutters for drilling round holes with millimeter precision.

This is a technique where the concrete is cut at the points we choose: instantly, without vibration, without dust, millimeter precision and with respect to the workplace environment as it does not cause noise.

It does not affect the skeleton of the building, and of course no one is bothered, as it does not cause noise so it can be carried out on all types of buildings even in workplaces.

Undisturbed concrete cutting
Undisturbed concrete cutting
Undisturbed concrete cutting

Contact us. We will respond promptly.

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Art Water - Aimilios Veves


Poniropoulou 31
Kiparissia 245 00

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